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The Chronicles of Food Struggles

~Eating is a need, enjoying it is an art - Anonymous ~

Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin, Still Life with Cat and Rayfish (1728)

Over the course of the semester, it seems my passion for quality food has increased. Perhaps it is because I have been deprived of good quality food. We thought it was impossible, but alas, the Pryz food has gotten worse. Yesterday Olivia and I were like the cat in Chardin's painting. It was a mad dash to scoop up the last bit of Pesto Tortellini - the only "good" meal at the Pryz (although they still manage to neglect salt and pepper).

Since food conditions are so dismal, I took it upon myself to pre-cook 4 meals within 24 hours during Spring Break. Usually I never condone frozen food, however, the occasional ice shavings are still better than bland, lifeless food. Classes have only resumed for one week, and I have already eaten my way through 2 bags of roasted green beans and lemon-zucchini spaghetti. It is going to a LONG seven weeks.

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Two art history majors at the Catholic University of America sharing their experiences and passion for art with the world

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